To qualify
To qualify for the program, scholars must meet two of the three following academic criteria
- A minimum ACT composite score of 30 (1390 SAT)
- Rank in the top 5 percent of their high school graduating class
- A minimum cumulative high school core GPA of 3.5 in 17-class core curriculum
- These courses represent the 17 core requirements
- Four units of English
- Four units of Mathematics (Algebra I or higher)
- Three units of Science
- Three units of Social Studies
- Two units of a single Foreign Language
- One unit of Fine Arts
- These courses represent the 17 core requirements
In addition, candidates are evaluated on their community or school involvement and leadership abilities.

To apply
First, submit the UMKC general application and all application materials. After being admitted, qualified applicants will see the Trustees’ Scholarship application appear as a “to-do” list item in their UMKC application status page.
All qualified first-time college students who are admitted and complete the Trustees’ Scholarship application before December 1 will be considered for the Trustees’ Scholarship.
Applicant Timeline
Fall – Optional UMKC Trustees’ Scholars event on campus
August-November – Apply to UMKC and turn in all application materials
The Trustees’ Scholars application will not appear for you to fill out until you are admitted. It can take up to a week for your application to be processed once all application materials are received. Please plan accordingly.
December 1 – Trustees’ Scholarship application deadline
January – Selected applicants will be contacted and invited to campus
February – Interviews on campus
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact UMKC Admissions.
Trustees’ Scholars Benefits
There are many program benefits.
- Full educational expenses paid, plus $500 toward books all four years
- On-campus room and board paid for the first two years, and a $2,000 stipend toward living expenses in years three and four
- Internship opportunities with Kansas City organizations in years three and four
- Support from the UMKC Board of Trustees, a philanthropic organization comprised of Kansas City’s business and civic leaders

Trustees’ Scholars Expectations
- Maintain minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25
- Enroll in at least 15 credit hours per semester
- First-year scholars participate in the Honors Program
- First and second year scholars live in a residence hall
- Additional scholarship responsibilities
- Active participation in a scholar committee
- Involvement with a student organization
- Participate in monthly Professional Enrichment Sessions